23 de novembro de 2012

Company Sues Kickstarter Over 3D Printer Patent, Maligns 'Hackers And Makers'

Company Sues Kickstarter Over 3D Printer Patent, Maligns 'Hackers And Makers':
We've been pointing out for a while that one of the reasons why advancements in 3D printing have been relatively slow is because of patents holding back the market. However, a bunch of key patents have started expiring, leading to new opportunities. One, in particular, that has received a fair bit of attention was the Formlabs 3D printer, which raised nearly $3 million on Kickstarter earlier this year. It got a ton of well-deserved attention for being one of the first "low end" (sub ~$3,000) 3D printers with very impressive quality levels.

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