29 de setembro de 2012
27 de setembro de 2012
File-Sharing for Personal Use Declared Legal in Portugal
File-Sharing for Personal Use Declared Legal in Portugal:
Wearing T-shirts with the slogan “Piracy is Illegal”, the movie industry sponsored anti-piracy group ACAPOR delivered several boxes full of IP-addresses of alleged ‘illegal’ file-sharers to the Attorney General’s Office last year.
The “evidence” was handed over in two batches and the group demanded the authorities act against 2,000 alleged pirates.
“We are doing anything we can to alert the government to the very serious situation in the entertainment industry,” ACAPOR commented at the time, adding that “1000 complaints a month should be enough to embarrass the judiciary system.”
However, a year later it turns out that ACAPOR’s actions have backfired and the anti-piracy group is now facing the embarrassment.
The Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) looked into the complaints and the prosecutor came back with his order this week. Contrary to what the anti-piracy group had hoped for, the 2,000 IP-addresses will not be taken to court.
Worse for ACAPOR, the prosecutor goes even further by ruling that file-sharing for personal use is not against the law.
“From a legal point of view, while taking into account that users are both uploaders and downloaders in these file-sharing networks, we see this conduct as lawful, even when it’s considered that the users continue to share once the download is finished.”
The prosecutor adds that the right to education, culture, and freedom of expression on the Internet should not be restricted in cases where the copyright infringements are clearly non-commercial.
In addition, the order notes that an IP-address is not a person.
The ruling explains that the person connected to the IP-address “is not necessarily the user at the moment the infringement takes place, or the user that makes available the copyrighted work, but rather the individual who has the service registered in his name, independent of whether this person using it or not”
This means that the account holders connected to these 2,000 IPs are not necessarily all copyright infringers, similar to orders we’ve seen in the United States previously.
Finally, the prosecutor ruled that even if file-sharing for personal use would be seen as illegal, the artists themselves should explicitly declare that there are not authorizing copying for personal use.
ACAPOR boss Nuno Pereira is disappointed with the decision and he accuses the prosecutor of dropping the case because it’s the easy way out.
“Personally I think the prosecutors just found a way to adapt the law to their interest – and their interest is not having to send 2,000 letters, hear 2,000 people and investigate 2,000 computers,” Pereira says.
Another way to frame it is that the prosecutor adapted the law in the interest of the public at large, which is generally speaking not a bad idea.
While the decision is hopeful for Portuguese file-sharers, it is still a matter of how the law is interpreted. For now, however, it is save to assume that Portugal is spared from the mass-BitTorrent lawsuits we’ve seen in the United States, Germany and the UK.
Source: File-Sharing for Personal Use Declared Legal in Portugal
The “evidence” was handed over in two batches and the group demanded the authorities act against 2,000 alleged pirates.
“We are doing anything we can to alert the government to the very serious situation in the entertainment industry,” ACAPOR commented at the time, adding that “1000 complaints a month should be enough to embarrass the judiciary system.”
However, a year later it turns out that ACAPOR’s actions have backfired and the anti-piracy group is now facing the embarrassment.
ACAPOR delivering the complaints
Worse for ACAPOR, the prosecutor goes even further by ruling that file-sharing for personal use is not against the law.
“From a legal point of view, while taking into account that users are both uploaders and downloaders in these file-sharing networks, we see this conduct as lawful, even when it’s considered that the users continue to share once the download is finished.”
The prosecutor adds that the right to education, culture, and freedom of expression on the Internet should not be restricted in cases where the copyright infringements are clearly non-commercial.
In addition, the order notes that an IP-address is not a person.
The ruling explains that the person connected to the IP-address “is not necessarily the user at the moment the infringement takes place, or the user that makes available the copyrighted work, but rather the individual who has the service registered in his name, independent of whether this person using it or not”
This means that the account holders connected to these 2,000 IPs are not necessarily all copyright infringers, similar to orders we’ve seen in the United States previously.
Finally, the prosecutor ruled that even if file-sharing for personal use would be seen as illegal, the artists themselves should explicitly declare that there are not authorizing copying for personal use.
ACAPOR boss Nuno Pereira is disappointed with the decision and he accuses the prosecutor of dropping the case because it’s the easy way out.
“Personally I think the prosecutors just found a way to adapt the law to their interest – and their interest is not having to send 2,000 letters, hear 2,000 people and investigate 2,000 computers,” Pereira says.
Another way to frame it is that the prosecutor adapted the law in the interest of the public at large, which is generally speaking not a bad idea.
While the decision is hopeful for Portuguese file-sharers, it is still a matter of how the law is interpreted. For now, however, it is save to assume that Portugal is spared from the mass-BitTorrent lawsuits we’ve seen in the United States, Germany and the UK.
Source: File-Sharing for Personal Use Declared Legal in Portugal
26 de setembro de 2012
25 de setembro de 2012
24 de setembro de 2012
21 de setembro de 2012
20 de setembro de 2012
18 de setembro de 2012
FBI eager to embrace mobile 'Rapid DNA' testing
FBI eager to embrace mobile 'Rapid DNA' testing:
It's been the FBI's dream for years -- to do near-instant DNA analysis using mobile equipment in the field -- and now "Rapid DNA" gear is finally here.
The idea is that you simply drop into the system a cotton swab with a person's saliva, for example, and the "Rapid DNA" machine spits out the type of DNA data that's needed to pin down identity. Now that such equipment exists, the FBI is pushing to get it into the hands of law enforcement agencies as soon as possible.
The idea is that you simply drop into the system a cotton swab with a person's saliva, for example, and the "Rapid DNA" machine spits out the type of DNA data that's needed to pin down identity. Now that such equipment exists, the FBI is pushing to get it into the hands of law enforcement agencies as soon as possible.
$30 hacking kit allows you to steal BMWs
$30 hacking kit allows you to steal BMWs:
On-board diagnostics (OBD) security bypass kits, replete with reprogramming modules and blank keys, are reportedly enabling low-intelligence thieves to steal high-end cars such as BMWs in a matter of seconds or minutes.
According to The Register, the $30 bypass tools are being shipped from China and Eastern Europe in kit form to unskilled criminals.
According to The Register, the $30 bypass tools are being shipped from China and Eastern Europe in kit form to unskilled criminals.
FBI eager to embrace mobile 'Rapid DNA' testing
FBI eager to embrace mobile 'Rapid DNA' testing:
It's been the FBI's dream for years -- to do near-instant DNA analysis using mobile equipment in the field -- and now "Rapid DNA" gear is finally here.
The idea is that you simply drop into the system a cotton swab with a person's saliva, for example, and the "Rapid DNA" machine spits out the type of DNA data that's needed to pin down identity. Now that such equipment exists, the FBI is pushing to get it into the hands of law enforcement agencies as soon as possible.
The idea is that you simply drop into the system a cotton swab with a person's saliva, for example, and the "Rapid DNA" machine spits out the type of DNA data that's needed to pin down identity. Now that such equipment exists, the FBI is pushing to get it into the hands of law enforcement agencies as soon as possible.
14 de setembro de 2012
FBI rolling out high-tech 'Big Brother' monitoring system
FBI rolling out high-tech 'Big Brother' monitoring system:
Thanks to the FBI, the United States government will soon have a nationwide system in place capable of monitoring and identifying “persons of interest” virtually anywhere. The Next Generation Identification (NGI) system is designed to aid the FBI in tracking down and capturing criminals.
Fingerprints have been the primary unique identifier for law enforcement agencies of all levels for a century. Even with billions of samples on record, no two fingerprints have ever been found to be alike.
Fingerprints have been the primary unique identifier for law enforcement agencies of all levels for a century. Even with billions of samples on record, no two fingerprints have ever been found to be alike.
13 de setembro de 2012
12 de setembro de 2012
6 de setembro de 2012
Menina dá chuto nos tomates do professor
Menina dá chuto nos tomates do professor:
Um professor de inglês de uma escola russa estava a ‘dar nas orelhas’ a uma aluna humilhando-a em frente dos colegas, até que ela se enerva e vinga-se da atitude do professor.
The post Menina dá chuto nos tomates do professor appeared first on Tá Fixe.
Um professor de inglês de uma escola russa estava a ‘dar nas orelhas’ a uma aluna humilhando-a em frente dos colegas, até que ela se enerva e vinga-se da atitude do professor.
The post Menina dá chuto nos tomates do professor appeared first on Tá Fixe.
Feds probe alleged hacking theft of Romney's tax returns
Feds probe alleged hacking theft of Romney's tax returns:
The U.S. Secret Service is looking into claims that someone stole presidential nominee Mitt Romney's income tax returns and is threatening to release them if he doesn't pay up.
Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie told CNET today that the agency is investigating, but had no further comment.
Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie told CNET today that the agency is investigating, but had no further comment.
5 de setembro de 2012
Pirate Bay Founder Arrest Followed By $59m Swedish Aid Package For Cambodia
Pirate Bay Founder Arrest Followed By $59m Swedish Aid Package For Cambodia:
Following his arrest last Thursday it was confirmed yesterday that Pirate Bay Gottfrid Svartholm will be leaving Cambodia as a matter of some urgency.
Early Tuesday a meeting took place in Cambodia between National Deputy Police Commissioner General Sok Phal and Swedish authorities. Due to the lack of an extradition treaty, Sweden made a request for Svartholm to be deported. Cambodian authorities agreed.
“We will use the Immigration Law against him to deport him out of our country and Minister of Interior Sar Kheng will sign on the deportation request letter from the police commissioner soon,” said Phal. “We will have to just deport him, wherever he goes, we don’t know, but he has to be out of Cambodia.”
While it perhaps isn’t all that unusual for Swedish authorities to be in Cambodia, a development today will join a long line of interesting political coincidences in which one nation appears to be rewarded by another following an apparently unconnected favor that everyone but the politicians are suspicious of.
Today a senior Cambodian official announced that the Government of Sweden had signed to provide Cambodia with 400 million Swedish Kronor ($59.4 million) in financial aid. The money is destined for democratic development, education, and other causes.
Speaking after the signing ceremony between Cambodian deputy Prime Minister Keat Chhon and Swedish Ambassador Anne Hoglund, Chhon said his country was grateful for the package.
“Cambodia considers Sweden as a highly valued development partner and we will make every best effort to ensure that the aid be utilized effectively in an efficient and transparent manner,” he said.
Hoglund said that Sweden is committed to strengthening bilateral ties with Cambodia, something that interestingly enough was also said by President Obama’s trade ambassador on his visit to the country last Thursday, the day Svartholm was arrested.
Gottfrid Svartholm is currently in Cambodian detention and facing deportation.
Source: Pirate Bay Founder Arrest Followed By $59m Swedish Aid Package For Cambodia
Early Tuesday a meeting took place in Cambodia between National Deputy Police Commissioner General Sok Phal and Swedish authorities. Due to the lack of an extradition treaty, Sweden made a request for Svartholm to be deported. Cambodian authorities agreed.
“We will use the Immigration Law against him to deport him out of our country and Minister of Interior Sar Kheng will sign on the deportation request letter from the police commissioner soon,” said Phal. “We will have to just deport him, wherever he goes, we don’t know, but he has to be out of Cambodia.”
While it perhaps isn’t all that unusual for Swedish authorities to be in Cambodia, a development today will join a long line of interesting political coincidences in which one nation appears to be rewarded by another following an apparently unconnected favor that everyone but the politicians are suspicious of.
Today a senior Cambodian official announced that the Government of Sweden had signed to provide Cambodia with 400 million Swedish Kronor ($59.4 million) in financial aid. The money is destined for democratic development, education, and other causes.
Speaking after the signing ceremony between Cambodian deputy Prime Minister Keat Chhon and Swedish Ambassador Anne Hoglund, Chhon said his country was grateful for the package.
“Cambodia considers Sweden as a highly valued development partner and we will make every best effort to ensure that the aid be utilized effectively in an efficient and transparent manner,” he said.
Hoglund said that Sweden is committed to strengthening bilateral ties with Cambodia, something that interestingly enough was also said by President Obama’s trade ambassador on his visit to the country last Thursday, the day Svartholm was arrested.
Gottfrid Svartholm is currently in Cambodian detention and facing deportation.
Source: Pirate Bay Founder Arrest Followed By $59m Swedish Aid Package For Cambodia
4 de setembro de 2012
3 de setembro de 2012
2 de setembro de 2012
1 de setembro de 2012
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