31 de julho de 2012

20 de julho de 2012

Doze mortos e 38 feridos em ataque num cinema nos EUA - Mundo - PUBLICO.PT

Doze mortos e 38 feridos em ataque num cinema nos EUA - Mundo - PUBLICO.PT

n é preciso controlo de armas....esta tudo sobre controlo... -.-'

Kim Dotcom Sings: Are You Going to Fix This Mr. President?

Kim Dotcom Sings: Are You Going to Fix This Mr. President?:
“The war for the Internet has begun. Hollywood is in control of politics. The Government is killing innovation. Don’t let them get away with that.”
These are the opening words of Kim Dotcom’s newly released track ‘Mr. President’. The song is directed at U.S. President Barack Obama who, according to Dotcom, played an important role in the destruction of Megaupload.
Despite being involved in what the Department of Justice describes as “the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States,” Kim Dotcom has not chosen to lay low. Instead, he is fighting the forces behind the criminal investigation both off- and online.
“Our Internet Freedom is under attack on President Obama’s watch,” Dotcom told TorrentFreak this morning commenting on the release of the song.
“President Obama should have a look at the situation and reassure his voters that Internet freedom and innovation are his priorities. He should consider helping millions of Mega users to get their files back. Obama should motivate Hollywood to innovate and adopt to today’s light speed Internet environment instead of freezing innovation and progress,” Dotcom adds.

Kim Dotcom’s Mr. President

Megaupload’s founder previously told TorrentFreak that Vice President Joe Biden was the one who ordered the shutdown of the file-hosting service. According to Dotcom the Mega investigation was a ‘gift’ to Hollywood, facilitated by corrupt Government forces.
By targeting Megaupload and teaming up with Hollywood, the U.S. Government chose a path of destruction that will kill many new and innovative businesses on the Internet, Dotcom believes. This needs to change.
“There needs to be a dialog leading to solutions. Aggression and destruction will hurt the US economy. The innovators of tomorrow will avoid doing business in the US. Shutting down one of the leading cloud storage sites, ignoring due process, the rule of law and the constitutional rights of our users is not the way to go,” Dotcom told us.
“Are you going to fix this, Mr. President?”
Dotcom is encouraging everyone who stands by him to copy and share the song. Or as Kim sings:
“We must oppose. Don’t vote for those who want to take us back in time. We must expose the people who chose to turn innovation into crime.”
The track and video are now available on Kim Dotcom’s newly launched website Kim.com.

mr president

Source: Kim Dotcom Sings: Are You Going to Fix This Mr. President?

18 de julho de 2012

BE apresenta projecto de lei para legalizar o consumo e cultivo de cannabis - Política - PUBLICO.PT

BE apresenta projecto de lei para legalizar o consumo e cultivo de cannabis - Política - PUBLICO.PT

Web Lab: the magic of the Internet, brought to life

Web Lab: the magic of the Internet, brought to life: Inspiration comes in many forms and can influence you in unexpected ways. I can trace my own interest in programming to Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which fascinated me on my childhood visits to the Science Museum in London.

This idea that science and technology can inspire people is one that we hold close to our hearts. It’s also the thought behind a new exhibition we’re launching today online and at the Science Museum in London. We hope to inspire people around the world by showcasing the magic that the Internet makes possible.

Launching in beta, Web Lab is a set of five physical installations housed in the Science Museum in London. You can interact with them in person at the museum, or from anywhere in the world at chromeweblab.com. By opening up the museum experience to the world online, Web Lab doesn’t play by the usual rules—a visitor’s location and museum opening hours no longer matter.

Each of the five experiments—Universal Orchestra, Data Tracer, Sketchbots, Teleporter and Lab Tag Explorer—showcases a modern web technology found in Chrome to explore a particular theme in computer science. For example, the Universal Orchestra experiment uses WebSockets to demonstrate real time collaboration as people from around the world make music together on custom-built robotic instruments housed in the Science Museum.

Please join us online or at the Science Museum in London (entry is free), and let us know what you think. True to its name, the year-long exhibition is a working lab, and we’ll continue to tinker with it based on your feedback.

Here’s to the next wave of Internet invention!

Posted by Jayme Goldstein, Product Marketing Manager, Chrome, on behalf of the Web Lab team

(Cross-posted from the Chrome Blog)

Autarca ganhou 16 milhões em menos de 10 minutos!

"Correio da Manhã" escreve que em menos de dez minutos, Jaime Paulo Oliveira Resende, deputado da Assembleia Municipal de Matosinhos, eleito pela lista independente encabeçada por Narciso Miranda, conseguiu uma mais-valia superior a 16 milhões de euros num negócio de compra e venda de terrenos em Alfena, Valongo. Comprou um lote por quatro milhões e vendeu por vinte, a alteração do PDM que permite a construção da zona industrial que está agora em discussão pública, depois do Governo ter desafectado o terreno como Reserva Ecológica Nacional.
O deputado desmente o lucro, garantindo que apenas ganhou meio milhão de euros após o pagamento de impostos. Diz que o fundo que avaliou o terreno em 20 milhões só lhe pagou seis e nega que vá receber o remanescente que conta da escritura ( 14 milhões).

Sofia Aparício realiza sonho e coloca dente de ouro

O sonho era antigo e foi concretizado agora. Sofia Aparício decidiu colocar um dente de ouro de encaixe e não poderia estar mais satisfeita com o resultado. «Há anos que quero ter um dente de ouro, sempre disse que gostava. Mas tenho os dentes todos bons, felizmente, e não iria nunca estragar um para pôr um dente de ouro. Além disso, também não queria uma solução definitiva. Mas em conversa com a Dra. Esmeralda Martins, médica dentista da Clínica Milénio, percebi que se calhar ela conseguia fazer uma coisa de pôr e tirar. E aqui está», explicou a ex-manequim.
Na verdade, esta nova versão dos tão famosos dentes de ouro pode ser colocada e tirada quando a pessoa quiser e não envolve nenhuma dor. «Em vez de ter uns brincos, que eu não uso brincos, tenho um dente de ouro. É um acessório. E é lindo, adoro, estou mesmo feliz», assumiu Sofia Aparício.
Porém, as opiniões relativamente a este novo visual não têm sido unânimes. «As pessoas ou amam ou odeiam. Eu adoro e sou uma princesa, por isso posso ter um dente de ouro. Agora até me visto de forma mais clássica por causa do dente», referiu. Fonte: Lux

Lavagem de dinheiro leva a demissão no maior banco europeu - Expresso.pt

Lavagem de dinheiro leva a demissão no maior banco europeu - Expresso.pt

One does not simply find the Higgs Boson...

One does not simply find the Higgs Boson...:

Submitted by: cheugua

Posted at: 2012-07-17 10:11:41

See full post and comment: http://9gag.com/gag/4792101

14 de julho de 2012

Uma mota elétrica made in Coimbra - Exame Informática

Uma mota elétrica made in Coimbra - Exame Informática

Disco rígido que dura 1 milhão de anos - Exame Informática

Disco rígido que dura 1 milhão de anos - Exame Informática

Pentagon's Zombie Satellite Program Comes to Life | Danger Room | Wired.com

Pentagon's Zombie Satellite Program Comes to Life | Danger Room | Wired.com

It Only Took the Army 16 Years and 2 Wars to Deploy This Network | Danger Room | Wired.com

It Only Took the Army 16 Years and 2 Wars to Deploy This Network | Danger Room | Wired.com

Exclusive: Top General Proposed Corruption Probe He's Accused of Blocking | Danger Room | Wired.com

Exclusive: Top General Proposed Corruption Probe He's Accused of Blocking | Danger Room | Wired.com

U.S. Injected Gitmo Detainees With 'Mind Altering' Drugs | Danger Room | Wired.com

U.S. Injected Gitmo Detainees With 'Mind Altering' Drugs | Danger Room | Wired.com

Video: Darpa’s ‘Wall-of-Sound’ Fire Extinguisher

Dias Loureiro explica para que serve o dinheiro de um primeiro ministro Português

Dias Loureiro explica para que serve o dinheiro de um primeiro ministro Português:
Afinal o ordenado de ministro em Portugal serve apenas para comprar vestidos e outros acessórios para as suas esposas.
Assim já fico mais esclarecido… Obrigado senhor Dias Loureiro!
É caso para ter pena dos ministros, não é? :D

Enviado pelo João Paulo Gramacho

US “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Will Roll Out Gradually

US “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Will Roll Out Gradually:
casSomewhere in the near future the Center for Copyright Information (CCI) will start to track down online ‘pirates’ as part of an agreement all major US Internet providers struck with the MPAA and RIAA.
The parties agreed on a system through which copyright infringers are warned that their behavior is unacceptable. After five or six warnings ISPs may then take a variety of repressive measures, including temporary disconnections.
When the deal was first announced in July last year the first ISPs were expected to send out the initial warnings before the end of 2011. But this deadline passed silently, as did the July 2012 date subsequently mentioned in the press.
TorrentFreak contacted CCI for an update, and the group ensured us that they’re working hard to get things up and running as soon as possible.
“With regards to timing, CCI is rigorously working towards implementing the Copyright Alert System in a way that is consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and with the needs of subscribers,” a spokesperson told us.
The CCI now hopes that the first ISPs will begin sending warnings later this year. However, the group also made it clear that providers will roll out the alert system at their own pace.
“We expect our implementation to begin later this year, with each of the ISPs launching at potentially overlapping but different times. We do not intend to launch until we are confident that the program is consumer friendly and able to be implemented in a manner consistent with all of the goals of the MOU.”
Exactly why the roll-out has been delayed remains unanswered, but such a massive delay suggests that not everything went as planned.
Another question we’ve asked numerous times – which company will be hired to track BitTorrent users – also remains unanswered. All we got back was a comment that CCI is not ready to announce who will “evaluate” the identification technologies.
“At this time, CCI is not ready to announce the experts we will use to evaluate the methodologies used by the content owners and ISPs to identify alleged piracy and deliver notices to the right consumers,” the CCI spokesperson told TorrentFreak.
The above suggests that the company that does the tracking might not be made public at all. This might be a deliberate choice to prevent protest actions, but it certainly doesn’t add to the transparency of the scheme.
Meanwhile, TorrentFreak is getting reports from VPN providers who have seen a significant uptick in new subscribers from the US. Presumably, a large percentage of these new subscribers are signing in anticipation of the “six strikes” scheme.
Although the measures that will be imposed by Internet providers are not that scary, there is a worrying backdoor built into the deal which allows the MPAA and RIAA to request personal details of repeat infringers for legal action.
Source: US “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Will Roll Out Gradually

12 de julho de 2012

CNBC Squawk Box 'Paul Krugman' 'zombies vs unicorn' interview 2012 July 11th - YouTube

CNBC Squawk Box 'Paul Krugman' 'zombies vs unicorn' interview 2012 July 11th - YouTube

Digg Sells Itself for Pathetic Pocket Change: $500,000 [Digg]

Digg Sells Itself for Pathetic Pocket Change: $500,000 [Digg]:
O, how the mighty
have an asthma attack and roll off the side of a cliff. Digg, erstwhile king of the internet, just sold itself for a mere $500,000. In 2008, it turned down Google's offer of two hundred million. More »

Geneticists Develop Fruit Flies That Can Count [Science]

Geneticists Develop Fruit Flies That Can Count [Science]:
It took them 40 tries, but a group of geneticists have developed a generation of fruit flies that can count. Flies that can count, you say? Apparently, it's possible, and it could give researchers some new clues into dyscalculia, a dyslexia-related learning disability that impedes a person's ability to understand math. More »

USB drives left in car park as corporate espionage attack vector

USB drives left in car park as corporate espionage attack vector:
A number of infected USB flash drives were recently left in the car park of Dutch chemical firm DSM in a failed corporate espionage attempt. According to a reportDutch language link from Dutch newspaper Dagblad De Limburger, these drives were planted by an unknown party in hopes that one or more of the company's employees would insert them into their office systems.