23 de junho de 2012

Letters: Julian Assange and Ecuador consider their options | Media | The Guardian

Letters: Julian Assange and Ecuador consider their options | Media | The Guardian

Julian Assange is in the Ecuadorian embassy and has asked for political asylum (Assange trapped in embassy deadlock, 21 June). How shouldEcuador respond? Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning, although there are no criminal charges against him as of now. Yet, when he offered to be questioned in the UK by Swedish officials, they did not take him up on it. UK judges twisted and stretched the law to permit extradition, even without an order from a Swedish judge. Reportedly Sweden has an arrangement with the US whereby it would hand him over to the US on a mere request. That would lead to his prosecution for helping inform the world public. It is no surprise therefore that Assange would prefer to be captive in the Ecuadorian embassy.
It would be improper for Ecuador to shield Assange from possible sex charges. I suggest that Ecuador invite Swedish officials to question Assange in the embassy (or in Ecuador). If he is subsequently charged in Sweden, Ecuador could approve his extradition to Sweden on the condition that Sweden not hand him over to the US, but rather let him return to Ecuador if acquitted, or at the end of his sentence, if he is found guilty.

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