23 de maio de 2012

Monday Thru Friday: Let’s Do Some Math Here

Monday Thru Friday: Let’s Do Some Math Here:
job fails - Monday Thru Friday: Let's Do Some Math Here

Let’s say you spend ten minutes a day on the pot at work. Five out of seven days a week are work days, which makes 260 days a year. Subtract two weeks for paid vacation and holidays, and you have 240. Based on this, if you work at a job for 10 years at the median American personal hourly income of $16.57 an hour (source: U.S. Department of Labor) working a typical eight hour day, that adds up to $132.56. Based on our ten-minute average (or 1/48 of a work day), that’s $2.76 earned for every poop session. Multiply that by the work days in a year, and the years in a career, and voila:
You would earn $3,314.00 in a five-year career while pooping.

You would earn $6,629.00 in a ten-year career while pooping.

You would earn $13,255.00 in a 20-year career while pooping.

You would earn $26,512.00 in a 40-year career while pooping.
If you saved these earnings over a 40-year time frame with tax exemption as long as the funds aren’t withdrawn, based on today’s mutual fund NAVs, your savings would total just shy of $103,000.
That’s enough to cover the median sales price of houses in six states.
Time for a bathroom break!

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