13 de janeiro de 2012

Turning the internet back on in Egypt

Turning the internet back on in Egypt:

On December 17th, 2010, Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouaziz set himself on fire to protest the near daily harassment he was suffering at the hands of corrupt Tunisian police. His death sparked a maelstrom of civil resistance and public protest that eventually forced then President Zine Ben Ali to step down after 23 years in power.

Bouaziz’s desperate act ignited the Arab Spring. It remains one of the most transformative protest movements of our time and a year ago it was on the verge of exploding even further in Egypt. Anonymous, teaming up with other hacktivist groups like Telecomix, joined the resistance – at times armed with internet tools you haven’t seen since the 90s.

A clip from the film WE ARE LEGION: The Story of the Hacktivists

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