13 de janeiro de 2012

Then there was the time Microsoft said 'Go ahead. Hack our Kinect.'

Then there was the time Microsoft said 'Go ahead. Hack our Kinect.':

A funny thing happened on the way to console stardom. Microsoft took it easy.

Back in November, 2010, it launched Kinect - its all-seeing, all -hearing body motion capture device that would "revolutionise" gaming. Microsoft's critics scoffed. How was it any different from Nintendo's Wii controller or Sony's Move?

And fundamentally, it wasn't, apart from the fact that when you're tooling around with the Kinect, you're doing it hands-free. Revolutionary gaming? Meh. Dismiss. Revolutionary technology? Now you're talking. From launch day, Microsoft made it clear it wouldn't accept any third-party tomfoolery with Kinect, wouldn't release the source code and it probably couldn't be hacked anyway.


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